Solving The Problem of Dog Urine Spots on Lawns
I try to have discussions with my client's furry friends, and although we have a compatible relationship, they just diss me! As a garden designer there are few things as frustrating as seeing a perfect lawn or plantings wrecked by the effects of dog urine. Dog urine causes burning of grass and shrubs because of the uric acid salt content. Shrubs that are salt tolerant (think seaside plants or desert Southwest) may be more tolerant than some others. You can see the effect most commonly on lawns, which are the most noticeable victim of dog urine spotting. This is similar to the effects of over-fertilization. Immediately douse the area with water after a dog urinates. Flushing the area will wash the nitrogen and salts into surrounding ground, causing a neutralizing and dilution effect. Using a hose to wash away dog urine on plants will help prevent their leaves from browning. However, the best solution is to train the dog to go elsewhere.
Train the dog to use a non-turf area in the landscape, such as an area covered with mulch or gravel, or select a location where dog spotting will not become an aesthetic problem and damage can be tolerated. This is the ONLY sure solution for the problem!
When turf has been killed, remove the dead sod and some soil (2- 3"inch of soil) around and below it. Re-sod the area with new grass.