Curb appeal


As a follow-up to my

last post (on kitsch)

and not as ubiquitous as the pink flamingo, "tonga man" here and the accompanying floral arrangement were found at the top of Mount Ellen, Sugarbush Ski resort.  No doubt one could consider this as great "curb appeal" adjacent to the maintenance "house" as seen while riding a chairlift two thousand feet up on the slopes. 

If curb appeal is defined as ... the attractiveness or the welcoming factor of a landscape, then this was surely a success.  Notice the attention to detail in creating a sinuous curve (Burle-Marx inspired) to the terraced plantings! Also have to appreciate the toucan wind chime in this white-out.  Really a fun site to behold!

After complimenting the designer, he proudly proclaimed to me (tongue-in-cheek) on my 4th run down the hill "that he knew about horticulture and these "plants" could survive the Zone 3 temperatures... he had had great success with them in British Columbia!"