Has "sustainable" in landscape and garden design become a buzzword? Is resilient a better term?
Many landscape professionals advertise “sustainable practices” and regenerative design approaches when they build landscapes and gardens. When it comes to actually building these landscapes their approaches are sometimes less than advertised. Is the term “sustainable” becoming a catch-phrase?
Is sustainability about “doing less-bad”, is it attempting to slow down environmental degradation, is it creating regenerative sites, restoring ecosystem functions, rebuilding the earth’s natural capital?
If it is a buzzword, does this bring attention to the issue or by misuse/abuse of the term does it become just a selling point? Is the word “sustainability”, the new “organic.” In terms of landscape design, maybe the new word should be planting and building "RESILIENT."
Look aloft, to the top of the buildings… a roof garden design is outward looking, a designed sanctuary high up on top of a building, sometimes with an endless panorama, a bright, beautiful, and open sky above it. Most appropriately, it fits today’s city dweller with their overscheduled, time challenged lives.
For many, traveling to a city park takes a 1/2 hour or longer to embrace nature; walking up a flight of stairs or out their side door to a shared...
“Promenade” is defined by Webster’s dictionary as a leisurely place to walk or ride, especially in a public space for pleasure or display.” It’s french in derivation, mid 16th century, (from "se promener"...'to walk') recalling the actions of people of the court leisurely strolling as if on display, to be seen by all – commoners as well as other gentry/society.
In Paris these leisurely strollers are referred to as flaneurs. Yet, in the Bronx of the 1930's, they are...
Most historians would agree that Versailles is one of the most splendid expressions of absolute monarchy in history. A precedent in the history of great landscape design.
There's a marvelous story behind it! ....
Andre Le Notre, (the landscape designer of Versailles) had the good fortune years earlier to...
The urban roof garden in Manhattan and other cities may have a significant precedent in ancient Pompeii!
The landscape design of the Villa of the Mysteries preserved from Pompeii, AD 79 shows an entranceway which led to the peristyle, followed by the atrium and an extensive terraced gardens surrounded the villa on three non-entrance sides.
The desire to create an aerial oasis recreationally at the Villa of the Mysteries could possibly be the same as at a firehouse 2,000 years later. In an article from the year 1912...
Throughout the history of landscape design, garden designers have been creating beautiful gardens, designed for entertaining.
There isn't a country or culture that is more synonymous with the garden than the British. English landscapes are among the most beautiful and English gardens designed by Lancelot Brown to Gertrude Jekyll to Tom Stuart Smith are among the most bespoke gardens.
With tea, cakes and a beautiful garden to stroll in...
As far back as the 6th century, grand carpets were depictions of formal pleasure gardens. Landscape design and garden design influenced textile design.
A few of our favorite film scenes shot in the garden from major motion pictures. Garden design ideas abound in these scenes. Please suggest a few of your favorite movie scenes in the garden after you enjoy watching...
Sissinghurst is perhaps one of the most beloved gardens in all the world. For many it is the definitive English garden, evoking the poetic sensibilities of its creators, their deep feeling for history and rural tradition and the influence of their aristocratic upbringing and travels. A labor love created by...
Grids have been and continue to be used in all manner of layout tasks from urban design to building construction. For a landscape designer, garden designer, or novice homeowner this method of design can be essential for garden planning.